So fun story, have you ever planned to do something amazing, and then everything seemed to get in the way to prevent you from achieving it? Well that's what happened on the night I planned on making the meal for Raya And The Last Dragon. To the point that we even did 3 other meals that were already we had already planned as well (Epic, Ferdinand, & Dinosaur). Now I realize I should probably post those before this meal, since they "technically" came before, but I am going to post this one because we were really excited about it, and it was delicious!!!!!
Also the Movie?! Wasn't it AMAZING?!?!
The artwork is not mine, it is made by the amazing animators or owned by Disney/Pixar Studios. The Disney Meal Menu is created by us. Please feel free to share, we want the magic to continue to grow! But if you do, please share with our brand attached - and tag us @TheHappiestMemoriesOnEarth on Instagram and on Facebook, or leave in the Comments below if you make a meal! It warms our heart to see others enjoy and be inspired by these menus, and we would LOVE to see how it turned out for you - and would LOVE to even be able to share it on our Social Media. If you post it, it is believed you want to share - and we would love to share it with this community. We believe that there are hard things in this life, and so we aim to highlight, create, and share The Happiest Memories On Earth. Thank You! We hope it inspires you and helps create more Magical Meals in your home!
This meal was inspired by the culture behind it. According what has been released, Raya is the first Southeast Asian Princess for Disney. So I tried to make a cuisine that would reflect that. There are many different cultures and countries in Southeast Asia, including: Vietnam, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Brunei, Timor-Leste. Kelly Marie Tran, who voices Raya is a Vietnamese American Actress, and many other Actresses and Actors who also voices the characters represent the areas in the movie.
You can read more about Raya, and Kelly Marie Tran's viewpoint on this important character here!
This is
How Our Meal Came Together!
This meal may seem hard, but it really is super easy! Plus if you want to make the Menu smaller, that works too! It is meant to add joy to the movie, not stress.
The Chicken, I used a crockpot recipe for, so it was cooking all day until I was ready for it. The noodles I got from Costco, and was able to heat up in a skillet. The Egg Rolls were frozen, and cooked in the oven. The broccoli was a steam bag. The salad was the Asian Salad bag kit from Costco! The pears you can buy from the store - or my "Asian" pears I just took from a can. Same with the Mango, it was canned - but fresh is amazing too! Super easy, and not all at once.
This is How Our Treat Came Together!
I went to Walmart, and found three different flavors of Pocky, and bought a couple boxes of Hello Panda Cookies, and that was our Raya Treat! I wanted to try and stick with an Asian Treat for the feel of the meal, and expand my children's tastebuds - and they really enjoyed them! They were gone really quick!
I made sure to put it on a nice plate (Honestly it is a golden charger from the dollar store! But it looks good right?!), and made the design look exciting.

I really enjoyed many of the themes in this movie, and there is not enough words to share them. I would like to say that I loved the artistry of the scenes, and appreciated the effort to help us around the world understand another culture and area of the world more - at least in a certain time period. I also very much appreciated the coming together understanding of Kumandra. I think we need this message now, even more than we did - or at least need to be reminded now - so we don't continue to repeat past mistakes. We can't go blindly into trusting everyone, but we can learn to see that there is a lot of good in the world - and many of us want good things for everyone. That many of us are a lot more alike than we are different, and the more that we focus on our differences, the more it will pull us apart. We are all human. We all need love, shelter, care, water, food, hope, faith, encouragement, and a feeling of belonging. Everyone. There will be differences, and those sometimes can be hard. But we must learn how to talk without contention. We must learn to understand another's experience, so that we can have compassion and understanding from where they are coming from. We don't always have to have all the answers, but we do need each other in this world. We need to find a way together. There are many things that can tear us a part, but it will ultimately make us weaker - not stronger. We are definitely stronger together, as we work to find a way to make space and respect for one another.
There are many great things, and it is a wonderful Disney Movie by itself, and maybe you are just here for the Meal, and if so that is wonderful and great!
If you want to check out some fun coloring you can always check out, my other post before we did the meal!
Click here!
What are your favorite parts of Raya And The Last Dragon? If you did this meal, we would love to see it in the comments and on our Instagram @TheHappiestMemoriesOnEarth! Did you know we also have an Etsy? Come Check it out Here! Hopefully this post has helped to inspire you to have a Disney Meal!
Good luck with the menus for Epic, Ferdinand and Dinosaur!